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Tribe: Sahas
Conduit: Book of the Damned

Strength: Kendra has a lot of Aura and is great at controlling her opponent's thoughts.

Lore: When Kendra was young she was tasked with protecting the Book of the Damned. She and the book were suspended from time and trapped in The Pillar. After an attack by an unwelcomed visitor destroyed the spell around the Pillar, Kendra was returned to a world that was nothing like she remembered it.

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Tribe: Sahas
Conduit: Taajthánatos


Lore: In a very real way, Korr’s life started the moment he was killed. He was nothing more than a fiend roaming the inferno pits, killing and scavenging as he pleased. One day, he was kidnaped by Rayne and brought to Kendra’s laboratory to be experimented on. The goal was to resurrect a beast to add to her army, using the magics contained in the Book of the Damned. Killing Korr was no problem; Kendra even took some enjoyment out of it. Her powers were not strong enough alone to resurrect Korr, so Kendra recruited an apprentice; a young girl with raw powers that eventually surpassed her own. Kendra succeeded at resurrecting Korr by inserting an old Demon’s Relic (the Taajthánatos) into his skull while having her apprentice cast a spell from the Book of the Damned. Although successfully reanimated, Korr was cursed with the knowledge of who he is - he is the first fiend to become self-aware.

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Tribe: Sahas
Conduit: Shadows of the Old Ones

Strength: Rayne has the highest attack of all the champions allowing her to banish many creatures in a single blow. The shadows that surround her give her the ability to move through the darkness as easily as air, this gives her the ability to teleport into her opponent's blind spots.

Lore: Rayne is the last of the demons, a powerful race of warriors who roamed the world of Jaelara centuries before humans did. She now lives as the human's protector, ensuring their race never faces the same fate that her's did.

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