Hello Champions!

It has been just over 5 weeks since Edge of Exile Entertainment officially became a new company, and what a 5 weeks this has been! The company already has it’s first two new hires, we have been working on redesigning the Genesis: Battle of Champions card templating with the hopes of making it easier for new players to learn the game and also for improving legibility for players with visual imparements, cards have begun being worked on for the set that will be following Invasion, with many more other exciting things happening behind the scenes as well.

One of our first priorities upon successfully securing the rights to Genesis: Battle of Champions was to get in contact with the existing Genesis community and open up two-way dialogue, in order to answer the many questions that were likely on many fans minds after the sudden announcement of the previous company’s shutting down of operations.

One of our favorite ways to answer questions from the community has been to answer them during our live streams that have been happening over HERE, every Monday night at 7:00pm eastern. I’ve taken the time to collect many of those questions, along with their answers, and typed them all here to offer one easy place to find answers to many of the questions you might have.

Wishing all of you great success in the Arena,


Questions and Answers, Volume 1:

Q: Who are the new owners of Genesis: Battle of Champions??

A: Learn more about the people behind Edge of Exile Entertainment HERE.

Q: Will the “+” version Champions be printed in a future set?

A: While you may see new versions of existing Champions get printed in the future - including possibly new versions that may have the exact abilities and text that were previously seen on “+” versions, all new versions Champions will be given proper card names, and would not use the + or - naming that was previously used during testing.

Q: Will we ever see versions of Champions at later points in their life - ie. older versions of Champions?

A: It is our intent use the Lore of Genesis moving forward to tell compelling stories about the Champions and key figures in the game, which will lead to new and older versions of Champions in the future, whose changing abilities and new artworks will hopefully add a new deeper layer to the enjoyment for players of the game.

Q: Will we be publishing the previously announced INVASION set as it was originally designed?

A: While we will be publishing a set that will be called INVASION, we will be reviewing every card that was originally planned for that prior to locking in the set to ensure that the cards and overall theme of the set meet our expectations and standards. As such, some cards in the set may end up receiving a few minor tweaks, edits or alterations from what had been designed by the previous team before release.

Q: When will INVASION be released?

A: We are currently aiming for a release of INVASION in time for the Holiday Season of 2023. This release window is still subject to change however, as new contracts with manufacturing, shipping and distribution companies are still being negotiated at this time.

Q: Will you be using the same printers / shipping / distribution / whatever companies that Haunted Castle Gaming previously used for creating Genesis: Battle of Champions cards?

A: Unfortunately, due to the nature of how events transpired when HCG announced it would be shutting down, all of the previous business relationships that HCG had enjoyed became unviable options for us to explore. New products will be arriving through all new channels, via new partnerships that are still being finalized at this time. (dated: June 26th, 2023)

Q: Apparently some of the artists who had created artwork for INVASION on behalf of Haunted Castle Gaming did not get paid the money that they were owed. Will you still be using their artwork in INVASION? Will you be paying them the money that they are still owed?

A: We are very happy to publicly confirm that ALL artists who created artwork for INVASION have now been PAID IN FULL by Edge of Exile Entertainment.

Q: Will Edge of Exile Entertainment be doing a Kickstarter in the future, similar to what Haunted Castle Gaming did in the past?

A: There are no current plans to use Kickstarter or any other form of crowd funding to assist with funding future Genesis releases. It is highly unlikely that we will ever use crowd funding, as it is our intent to release all products through traditional distribution and retail channels.

Q: Will there be a new Patreon established for Genesis: Battle of Champions fans?

A: We currently do not have any plans for offering a Patreon.

Q: Why was * random former HCG employee * not hired?

A: As we began preparing to begin working on cards for use in future sets of Genesis we thoroughly considered all of our potential hiring options. We made contact with every former member of the game design team, and had discussions with them regarding their personal situations after the closing of Haunted Castle Gaming, as well as asking what their current outlook and feelings towards Genesis: Battle of Champions was. In some cases, offers of contracts to work for Edge of Exile Entertainment were presented. For any former employees who have not currently been brought into the team, there will always be an open door to discuss possible opportunities in the future, should they desire to explore those options with us. We wish all former Haunted Castle Gaming staff members success in all of their future endevours, wherever their careers may take them.

Q: How many sets of Genesis: Battle of Champions cards per year are you planning to release?

A: It is our hope to successfully release 2 sets per year for the first 3 to 5 years. As our team grows, we plan to eventually increase the release schedule to 3 sets of cards being released per year, once we feel the time is right to make that transition.

Q: Are there plans to release more playable content in the ‘Dungeon Crawler’ play style in the future.

A: Absolutely, although not likely until 2025. We will be focusing on more immediate concerns such as rebuilding organized play in stores first.

Q: Will the old Genesis: Battle of Champions event judging program return? Would it be run by fans, or by Edge of Exile?

A: There absolutely will be a new Genesis: BoC judge program established in the future, which will be organized and run by Edge of Exile. When that new program starts to take shape, we will be reaching out to all previously certified Genesis: BoC judges that we can, to determine if they are interested in resuming as judges for future in-store events.

Q: What is going on with the * other * game that is being marketing as “Genesis-compatible”? Will you be working with them?

A: There is only one Genesis: Battle of Champions. For anyone to be able to claim that their product would be compatible with Genesis: Battle of Champions, they would first have to approach us and request a license to be able to create a product that is compatible with ours. At this time that has not happened. Any unlicensed products that infringe upon Genesis: Battle of Champions would be dealt with through normal legal channels.

* update * In the time since the first few live Q&A videos were streamed, this issue has since been resolved. There are no longer any games in development which are claiming to be Genesis compatible. We wish the makers of all non-Genesis related projects great success in their future.

Q: Will you be exploring story lines and characters that involve members of the LGBTQ2S+ community? If yes, do you have plans to consult with members of those communities for guidance?

A: Absolutely. One of the most important goals that we have set for ourselves with Genesis: Battle of Champions moving forward is to create a game whose stories and characters will be representative of all of the wonderful and diverse people with whom we share this wonderful world we live in. Our long term goal is to create a story and game where eventually everyone will be able to see and play with characters that they can relate to in real life. Genesis is a wonderful game that we want to be accessible for everyone, as well as relatable and enjoyable for everyone. In order to properly create and tell stories that are relatable, we will be reaching out to members of various communities in the future for guidance and inspiration.

Q: Is it the intention of the new company to primarily focus on the Canadian market first, or will you be making efforts to continue further growth into the American and other foreign markets?

A: We believe that Genesis can be a financially and culturally successful game all across the globe. We believe that we will be able to make great progress in expanding the reach of Genesis into new markets during our first few years in business, and are creating our road map for the future success of the game with growth and expansion in mind. The United States in particular is a market that we plan to focus on growing in the near future.

That’s all for now, but I hope that this article will make it easier for Genesis: Battle of Champions fans to find answers to many of the questions they may have. In the meantime, if you have questions for us, feel free to submit them HERE, and don’t forget to tune in on Monday nights for live question and answer periods during ‘Beyond the Edge of Exile’ - LIVE on YouTube, Monday nights at 7pm eastern!

Until then, I will be cheering all of you on from the Arena…

- Jason